Monday, November 29, 2010

Another long break

I truly believe that so many adult players don't make their goals because life gets in the way.

Over the past few months I have moved across the country, found a new job and discovered that my second daughter will be born in March.  I'm back near family and even my nephews are starting to play the royal game.  So, all of these have built upon themselves and have taken away from my chess playing. 

I had started the year with a few goals.  I wanted to establish myself with an opening and I wanted to play 100 games.  Well, I didn't accomplish either.  I did learn that I don't like play 1. d4 and that my ability to play against 1.d4 is also tough.  I have, however, found that I do well with the French Defense. 

So, in the upcoming year, I have decided that I will once again try for 100 games.  I don't think that is an unreasonable goal so I will stick with it.  As for openings, I am going to only play the following:

As White.  1. f4.  I'm going to play Bird's Opening.  It isn't as weak as 1. b4, my favorite, but it still keeps me way from to two center pawns.

As Black, I will respond to 1. d4 with the Dutch.  Similar positions, with colors reversed are found with the Dutch and Bird's opening so I should be able to pull from both of these Openings to make help increase my knowledge of the positions faster.

To 1. e4, I shall continue with the French.  I have decided that I like the way this is played out so I will see what I can do. 

I am also going to make it a goal to post online at least once every two weeks with a hope of posting one of my games every week. 

My final and third goal is to join a postal correspondence game.  I played an e-mail tournament but I didn't do very well.

Well, there are my goals for next year.  I guess those are my resolutions.  I wonder how long I can hold on this year.

Have fun all.

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